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Side Effects of Lemon Juice on Face

Top 4 Side Effects of Lemon Juice on The Face

Lemons have often been dubbed as a super-fruit given their immense benefits. They have been actively used in cooking and baking and are a common kitchen ingredient. Lemon juice has also been used as a cleaning hack for centuries. When it comes to beauty, the versatile fruit offers immense benefits.

Whether it is the pulp, skin, or the juice of lemon, all parts have found their use in beauty regimes. If you thought lemon juice has no side effects on the skin. If you thought it is completely safe to use, you need to read this to know the side effects of lemon juice on the face.

lemon juice side effects face

Given the citric nature of lemons, the presence of Alpha hydroxy acid, and the rich vitamin C content all make them excellent skin revitalizers. Many DIY beauty hacks recommend using lemon juice on the skin- sometimes on its own and sometimes in combination with other ingredients.

However, using pure lemon juice on your skin can also cause serious side effects; sometimes even permanent damage.

Side Effects of Using Lemon Juice on the Face

Though there are not many side effects of using lemon juice on the face, it is better to know about them so that you can avert them.

It can alter the pH level of your skin: Lemon juice is highly acidic in nature, with a pH level of 2. The thin, protective layer of our skin called the acid mantle can suffer permanent damage by altering the skin’s natural pH levels. It can cause hyperpigmentation, irritation, and extreme sensitivity to the skin.

Risk of chemical burns: Using lemon juice on the skin and then stepping out in the sun can cause a condition called Phytophotodermatitis. The presence of citrus acid in lemon juice makes it extremely phototoxic, and the skin becomes hypersensitive to the sun. Exposure to the sun can cause a reaction to trigger resulting in serious chemical burns.

Scars and spots: Being acidic, when lemon juice is applied to pimples it can cause them to bleed. Though lemon juice can fight pimples and acne, the bleeding can cause some scars to stay behind.

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Skin irritation: People who have sensitive skin may feel that their skin burns and feels itchy when lemon juice is applied. This may leave the skin red and inflamed causing marks and other damage.

Precautions when Using Lemon Juice for Skin

Given the benefits lemon juice has for the face and skin, it is natural to try this remedy and get some benefits. However, because every lemon has a different acidity level, you may feel it works fine. However, it might cause irritation the other day. To avoid any possible harmful effects of using lemons for your skin, the following precautions are recommended:

  • Always use lemon juice in a diluted form. Mix filtered water, aloe vera gel, rose water, or honey to balance the acidity of lemon juice. Never dab undiluted lemon juice on your face.
  • Do test your skin type to determine how to use lemon for your face.
  • When you use lemon juice on your face, avoid stepping out in the sun. For this reason, you can use lemon in the evening or night to minimize the chances of exposing your skin to the sun and causing potential damage.
  • Never use stale lemon juice – always juice it fresh for maximum benefits.
  • A patch test is also recommended.

Your face is precious, for hassle-free skin always make sure you use the right ingredients on your skin.

We discussed the harmful effects of using lemon juice on the face. Now, let us know why is it recommended to be used in the first place.

Benefits of Using Lemon Juice on Face

When it comes to using DIY techniques or home remedies for beauty and hair purposes, lemon is quite a regular ingredient. However, before you use lemon juice on your face, you need to understand your skin type. Just pat a blotting paper on different parts of the face and hold it in the light. Look at the oil that the sheet picked up – if there is little or no oil, you have dry skin, if there is oil on the area of the forehead and chin, you have a combination/normal skin. And oil all over the blotting paper means you have oily skin.

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After determining your skin type, you can now use lemon for –

  • Toning your face or as an ingredient in face packs for oily skin
  • Only as a secondary ingredient in a face pack for dry skin
  • Only in diluted forms for combination and sensitive skin

Top Benefits of Lemon for Skin

Skin whitening and brightening: People swear that rubbing lemon on knees and elbows have helped lighten the dark color. And they are not wrong – the combination of citric acid with vitamin C does help in whitening and brightening skin, fading dark spots, and diminishing blemishes.

Lemon is the primary ingredient in some of the top skin whitening products like Skinbright, Lucederm, and Meladerm. In these products, it works as a skin bleaching ingredient. Remember, in these products the concentration of lemon juice is low to prevent the occurrence of skin irritation.

Revitalisation and restoration: Premature ageing and dull face is an everyday problem for almost everyone now. Environmental factors, stress, lack of sleep, and other lifestyle factors make the skin look older and worn out. Lemon is recommended to revitalize and restore lost skin glow because of its richness in vitamin C content which acts as an effective anti-oxidant.

Anti-ageing properties: Lemon juice can help tighten the skin and as dead skin cells get removed, wrinkles and other anti-aging signs can be delayed. The combined effect of exfoliation, revitalization, and brightening properties of lemon juice helps to keep the skin younger and fresher.

In a study, it was found that lemon juice prevents oxidative stress-induced premature skin aging. It increases collagen content and prevents wrinkle formation and skin thickness.

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Exfoliation: Lemon juice is largely recommended for dry and dull skin. Lemon is full of Alpha hydroxy acid and this helps remove dead skin cells revealing clear, fresh skin. It even helps generate new skin cells.

So all seems good and lemon juice does seem like the best thing to apply to your face, doesn’t it? Plus, it is readily available and costs a fraction of the expensive beauty treatments and creams. But using lemon juice on the face does come with a few side effects too. Let us go through them.

FAQ for Lemon Juice on Face

Does lemon permanently lighten skin?

Sadly, lemon juice does not permanently lighten skin. While it may temporarily lighten the complexion, sun exposure will eventually darken skin again. Lemon is also acidic and can cause irritation and inflammation if applied topically to the skin. If lemon doesn’t work for you, there isn’t much else that can permanently lighten skin other than sun exposure or surgery.

Can lemons damage your skin?

Yes, lemons can damage your skin. This is because the acidic content of lemons can cause temporary or even permanent inflammation and peel. If you are experiencing any signs of irritation or excessive dryness, it might be best to avoid citrus fruits altogether until you’ve consulted with a doctor.

Do lemons clear dark spots?

While lemon juice may be effective in lightening skin tone, it is not typically used to remove marks and spots from the face. Lemon oil can aggravate dark lesions and worsen their appearance. If you want an effective way to lighten your facial complexion, you will likely need to consult a physician or dermatologist specializing in skin care treatments.

Some people believe that the citric acid in lemons can help lighten skin and improve complexion. However, more rigorous studies are needed before any definitive conclusions can be made.

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